All visitors must…

    • Check-in at the beginning of each visit. If you have not checked-in, you do not have permission to use the facilities.
    • Complete a “New Participant Orientation” before participating in any climbing or non-climbing activities, including supervising another visitor or use of any climbing equipment.
    • Demonstrate proper use of any new equipment, and their ability to tie a “figure-of-eight-knot,” to a SOURCE employee before participating in belaying another climber.
    • Display a Source Climbing Center belay card at all times when belaying another climber, lead climbing, and/or using an auto-belay system.
    • Not instruct another guest on belay techniques regardless of their ability. Only authorized Source staff are allowed to conduct personal training in this facility.
    • Always stand clear of climbers’ fall and swing zones, keep the walkways and exits clear, and place all belongings in lockers or proper storage cubicles.
    • Not be under the influence of alcohol, or any recreational or prescription drugs that could impair alertness or coordination.
    • Report any unsafe condition or damage to equipment or the climbing walls, including loose holds.
    • Report any accident or injury immediately to gym staff.


    • Youth under 14* must be accompanied by an adult over the age of 18. Drop-offs are permitted only for parties and supervised activities.
    • Youth under 12* require supervision when using any auto-belay system. ‘Direct’ means only one youth per supervising adult is climbing with the use of a top-rope or auto-belay.
    • Youth 8 & under should be in direct reach (within arm’s length or on belay) of an adult when not on the mezzanine.
    • Distracting or disruptive actions (running under climbers, swinging on ropes, or use of loud voices) must be addressed immediately or may result in being asked to leave the facility.


    • Members only. Spectators and day guests are not permitted on fitness level.
    • As a courtesy to others, please do not bang, slam, throw or drop weights on the floor and return all equipment to designated areas after use.
    • Youth under 14* years of age are not allowed on the Fitness level unless under supervision during Source classes or programs.


    • All visitors must complete the Source Climbing Center “New Participant Orientation” before supervising or participating in the use of an autobelay system
    • Always check your equipment before climbing with an Autobelay.
    • Do not use headphones when climbing with an Autobelay.


    • Never boulder, or climb without a belay with any part of your body above a height of 14 feet on Main level or 10 feet on Mezzanine level.
    • Always keep fall zone clear when bouldering. Spotters are recommended only to protect climbers from people, objects and/or obstacles in their fall zone.


    • Belayers must demonstrate proper use of their equipment, and their ability to tie a “figure-of-eight-knot” to a Source employee before participating in belaying another climber.
    • Use only approved ABD (Assisted Braking Device) type of belay devices when belaying a climber.
    • Be attentive at all times. Stand within 12 feet of the wall and while “on belay”, no sitting or lying down while belaying.
    • Youth under 12 are not permitted to belay another climber unless under the supervision of a Source staff member during approved source programs. Youth under 9 are NOT permitted to belay another climber at any time, under any circumstances.


    • Climbers and belayers must pass the Source Climbing Center “lead check” before participating in any lead belaying or climbing.
    • Check for conflicting or intersecting routes before climbing. The second party to leave the ground must yield at a safe distance that won’t endanger either party in the event of a fall.
    • Clip all draws before the entire body passes them, and in the order that they appear on that climb. Also, the final anchor should be clipped before lowering. Recognize and reverse and “back clipping” and/or “Z-clips” before climbing on.
    • Do not take intentional lead falls or hang personal quickdraws.
    • Belayer to protect climbers fall from people, objects and/or obstacles until they are clipped the first anchor.
    • Stay within arm’s reach of the wall for the duration of the first four clips and within eight feet of the first clip, thereafter, when belaying a lead climber.
    • Keep a minimum of the top four draws clipped when setting a line for top rope, and limit attempts to ONE per climb during busy times.
    • Youth under 12 are not permitted to lead belay or climb at any time under any circumstances.


5.4 - 5.12


5.9 - 5.13


V0 - V10
Separate KIDS AREA




While not a perfect system, climbing grades can provide a sense of the overall physical difficulty to complete a climb.  Grades are a reflection of the climbing, not the climber; so expect to experience both success and failure in the grades at or near your level of climbing.  LEARN MORE
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