These single-session classes teach the fundamentals of top-rope climbing and bouldering for youth 12 and under.  In each class, students practice putting on their own harness, retracing a figure-8 knot and climbing with confidence on our 36' walls.  With this experience, climbers are ready to get more out of future visits to the Source. The skills taught are also prerequisites for registering in our Youth Classes. Register for one or more sessions as needed.  For Parents - we recommend our CLIMB201 Adult Introductory Class.

Cost: $19.20 for Members, $24 for Non-Members 
Ratio: 1 instructor: 2 students
Duration: One 1-hour Class
Prerequisites: No experience required
Ages: 6 to 12 
Register Today


These are 4 - 1 hour sessions for youth interested in progressing as a climber in a structured environment with the help of experienced coaches.  Youth will learn basic climbing technique, gym etiquette, and how to belay (9 and older only). With this experience, climbers have the opportunity to transition into our Recreational or Competitive Team based on their individual goals.  

Cost: $54.40 Members, $68 Non-Members
Ratio: 1 instructor : 4 students
Duration: 4 sessions, 1-hour each
Prerequisites: Youth Intro Session, ability to put on your own harness, retrace a figure-8, and climb to top of 36' walls on 5.4 or better.
Ages: 6 and older, available for four categories:
  • U9: born in 2017 or 2018
  • U11: born in 2015 or 2016
  • U13: born in 2013 or 2014
  • U15: born in 2011 or 2012

Register Online


Summer Camps are 5 sessions from Monday to Friday, 9am-12pm or 1pm-4pm. The program runs mid-June through mid-August, offering a fun way for climbers to stay active during their summer break. We focus on challenge and fun on 36’ climbing walls and high rope elements during this week long camp. Climbers develop better balance, focus, and coordination. We also practice teamwork and setting goals through action-based games and activities. 


Cost: $188 for Members, $235 for Non-Members

Ratio: 1 Instructor: 6 Students

Duration: 5 Days, 3 hours per day

Prerequisites: No experience required

Ages: Level I (6-8), Level II (9-12), Level III (12+) 

How to Register - Choose the calendar or catalog view to find the right camp for you!

Registration Opens April 1st at 8am!

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